Q: Can I bring a guest or how many people can I bring?

A: If your invitation names you “& Guest” then you may bring a guest. Exceptions are granted if you contact us first and we see if we can accommodate your additional guest.

Q: Are children invited?

A: Children are welcome to come only if they are named on the invitation. Please understand that there is a strict head count capacity.

Q: Do you have a gift registry?

A: Your presence at our wedding is already our own cherish gift. Since Justin and I are still building our own little nest, we would appreciate monetary gifts that will help us start our life together.

Q: When should I send in my RSVP?

A: Please send your RSVP as soon as you receive it and you know you will be able to attend. It will help us tremendously in the planning process.

Q: Can I email my RSVP instead?

A: Yes, you can definitely do so! Please email the RSVP to our email address

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